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    Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. maintains a list of appropriate physicians who prescribe NASCOBAL® and Nutrition Direct. This list is updated on a rolling quarterly basis. These physicians are not affiliated with Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. and do not pay to be on this list. Included here are the names of physicians in your geographic area that meet this specific criteria. Inclusion of a physician on this list does not constitute a referral, recommendation, endorsement, or verification of the credentials, qualifications, or abilities of the physician listed. Conversely, the absence of a physician’s name and information should not be construed as a negative comment from Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. about the physician’s credentials, qualifications, or abilities.

    Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. shall not be liable for any harm resulting from your reliance on information contained on this list.


    What is NASCOBAL®?

    NASCOBAL® (Cyanocobalamin, USP) Nasal Spray is a prescription medicine used as a supplement to treat vitamin B12 deficiency. People who have had weight loss (bariatric) surgery may not absorb enough vitamin B12 from food, and are at increased risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency.

    Why NASCOBAL® is a good option:

    • First FDA-approved vitamin B12 nasal spray
    • Simple, once-weekly dosing*
    • Fewer visits to the doctor’s office for vitamin B12 dose
    • Not a painful injection
    • Tasteless and odorless fine mist
    • Increased and maintained vitamin B12 levels in clinical trials
    • Absorbed directly into the bloodstream—designed to bypass the stomach and digestive tract
    • Self-administered

    Follow the steps below to see how simple it is to use NASCOBAL®

    • The unit contains only 1 spray:
      DO NOT prime before use
    • Blow nose gently to clear both nostrils
    • Hold the unit with your thumb, supporting it at the bottom, and your index and middle fingers on either side of the nozzle
    • Gently close 1 nostril with your other index finger. Insert the nozzle into open nostril approximately ½ inch, or as far as feels comfortable, and tilt your head slightly forward. Do not press the plunger yet
    • Breathe in gently through your nose, close your mouth, and at the same time, press the plunger firmly with your thumb
    • Remove the nozzle from your nostril. At the same time, keep your head level for 10 to 20 seconds while gently breathing in through your nose and breathing out through your mouth
    Do not drink hot liquids or eat hot foods at least 1 hour before and 1 hour after taking Nasal Spray.

    *Dose adjustments may be required.