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    Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. maintains a list of appropriate physicians who prescribe NASCOBAL® and Nutrition Direct. This list is updated on a rolling quarterly basis. These physicians are not affiliated with Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. and do not pay to be on this list. Included here are the names of physicians in your geographic area that meet this specific criteria. Inclusion of a physician on this list does not constitute a referral, recommendation, endorsement, or verification of the credentials, qualifications, or abilities of the physician listed. Conversely, the absence of a physician’s name and information should not be construed as a negative comment from Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. about the physician’s credentials, qualifications, or abilities.

    Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. shall not be liable for any harm resulting from your reliance on information contained on this list.


    About BariActiv® supplements

    With Nutrition Direct, you receive a monthly supply of nutrients that includes NASCOBAL® vitamin B12 Nasal Spray and BariActiv® supplements. Together, NASCOBAL® and BariActiv® supplements give you micronutrients recommended by the ASMBS guidelines.*

    2 great options for getting nutritional supplements you need for lifelong nutritional support after bariatric surgery:

    bariactiv-bottle tablet-capsule-bariactiv-bottle

    BariActiv® Chewable:

    • Can be started soon after surgery as discussed with your healthcare provider
    • Used for lifelong nutritional support
    • Great-tasting fruit flavor
    bariactiv-bottle tablet-capsule-bariactiv-bottle

    BariActiv® Tablets/Capsules:

    • When chewable tablets are no longer required, tablets/capsules can be started as discussed with your healthcare provider
    • Used for lifelong nutritional support

    Nutrition Direct: Designed to meet ASMBS Nutritional Guidelines*

    Your monthly delivery from Nutrition Direct includes supplements that provide micronutrients the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery recommends for people who have had weight loss surgery.

    Vitamin B1 12 mg/day
    Vitamin B12 500 mcg/day
    Folate 1,360 DFE (800 mcg folic acid)
    Calcium (see footnote below)
    Vitamin A 3,000 mcg/day§
    Vitamin E 15 mg/day
    Vitamin K 300 mcg/day
    Vitamin D 75 mcg/day
    Iron Chewable: 18 mg/day
    Tablet/Capsule: 45 mg/day
    Zinc 16 mg/day
    Copper 2 mg/day

    ASMBS Integrated Health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgical Weight Loss Patient — 2016 Update: Micronutrients.

    For all types of surgery, including Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB).

    Calcium is provided in the BariActiv® Calcium (1,200 mg per day) + Vitamin D (3,000 IU per day) supplement. It is very important NOT to take calcium and multivitamin with iron supplements at the same time. Take them at least 2 hours apart.

    Equivalent to 10,000 IU/day (3,000 mcg RAE/day) retinol.

    Equivalent to 3,000 IU/day.

    How to take your supplements

    It’s important to take your nutritional supplements provided by Nutrition Direct correctly. Important note: The directions are different for chewable supplements and the tablets/capsules. Chewable supplements can be chewed without the use of water. Tablets/capsules can be easily swallowed with water.


    How to use NASCOBAL®
    Nasal Spray

    FDA-approved Nasal Spray1 spray, 1 nostril, 1x a week

    Do not drink hot liquids or eat hot foods at least 1 hour before and 1 hour after taking Nasal Spray.
    Dose adjustments may be required.
    bariactiv-battler tablet-capsule-bariactiv-bottle

    How to take BariActiv®
    Chewable Supplements:

    BariActiv® Calcium + D3 & Magnesium Chewable#Take one serving (2 tablets) twice a dayNutrition Facts

    BariActiv® Multivitamin Chewable**Take one serving (1 tablet) once a dayNutrition Facts

    BariActiv® Multivitamin + Iron Chewable#**Take one serving (1 tablet) once a dayNutrition Facts

    bariactiv-battler tablet-capsule-bariactiv-bottle

    How to take BariActiv®
    Tablet/Capsule Supplements:

    BariActiv® Calcium + D3 & Magnesium Tablets#Take one serving (2 tablets) twice a dayNutrition Facts

    BariActiv® Multivitamin Capsule**Take one serving (1 capsule) once a dayNutrition Facts

    BariActiv® Multivitamin + Iron Capsule#**Take one serving (1 capsule) once a dayNutrition Facts

    It is very important NOT to take calcium and multivitamin with iron supplements at the same time. Take them at least 2 hours apart.
    Talk to your doctor about which multivitamin option is best for you.
    TIP: Some medicines and nutritional supplements can affect each other. Tell your healthcare provider about any medicines you are taking, including vitamins and nutritional supplements.

    Some tips to help you remember to take your vitamins

    It can be easy to forget to take your vitamins and minerals. Here are some reminders to help keep you on track:

    • Set an alarm. Most phones have them. Be sure to set yours so you will remember when it is time to take your vitamins. If you wear a watch, set the alarm so you will remember to take your vitamins when you are away from the house
    • Remind yourself with notes, diaries, or checklists. Post a calendar or a Post-it® note where you will see it. You can also make a “to-do” list so you will always remember
    • Keep the bottles of your nutritional supplements in a place where you will easily see them. This way, you will remember to take them as your healthcare provider prescribes. Make sure that they are out of the reach of children
    • Have a support network. Ask a friend or family member to remind you by phone or text